Flying with Kids: 5 Fun Activities to Keep Them Busy During Long Flights

Flying with Kids: 5 Fun Activities to Keep Them Busy During Long Flights 1

The Dreaded Long Flight

Long flights can be challenging for anyone, but when traveling with children, they can be a real nightmare. Without proper planning, your little ones can become restless, bored, and cranky. With these simple and fun activities, you can keep them happy and occupied during a long flight. Complement your reading and expand your knowledge on the topic with this specially selected external content for you. reiseblog, reveal fresh insights and supplementary details!

Activity 1: Coloring Books and Art Supplies

Coloring books and art supplies are a great way to keep kids entertained during long flights. Bring a batch of sketchbooks, colored pencils, and markers, and your kids can create their own masterpieces. Pop in some relaxing music or their favorite audiobook, and they can settle in for hours of uninterrupted fun.

Flying with Kids: 5 Fun Activities to Keep Them Busy During Long Flights 2

Activity 2: Sticker Books

Sticker books are an excellent option for younger kids. They’re easy to use, and they can even help improve their fine motor skills. Whether it’s a book of their favorite characters or a blank pad, stickers can keep kids entertained for hours.

Activity 3: Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt for your kids. Come up with a list of items they can find on the plane or airport, including things like travel pillows or in-flight magazines. You can even add items specific to your destination, like a brochure or postcard. A scavenger hunt can turn the long flight into an adventure, and your kids won’t even realize how much time has passed.

Activity 4: Movies and TV Shows

If your flight has a TV screen, there’s no shortage of movies and TV shows to keep your kids entertained. You can download their favorite shows and movies to a tablet or phone, and they can watch them over and over again. Don’t forget to bring some earphones and a splitter if you have more than one child. You can also bring along some family-friendly movies to watch together, making for a great bonding experience.

Activity 5: Card and Board Games

Card and board games are a great way to pass the time on a long flight. Bring along some travel-size games, like Uno or Trouble, and your family can enjoy hours of entertainment. Not only are these games fun, but they can also help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Plus, they’re compact, making them easy to pack and carry.


Long flights can be a real challenge when traveling with kids, but they don’t have to be. By planning ahead and packing some fun activities, you can make the experience enjoyable for the whole family. Whether it’s coloring books, sticker books, or board games, there are plenty of options to keep your kids occupied and happy during a long flight. Interested in gaining more knowledge on the topic discussed?, check out the carefully selected external content to supplement your reading and enhance your knowledge of the topic.

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